Geohazard Lab

Geohazard Lab

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Professor Major Laboratory Tel. Site
곽동엽 지반지진공학 Geohazard Laboratory
제2공학관 111호
031-400-4045 Geohazard Laboratory

The goal of Geohazard Laboratory research is to reduce damage on society by geo-hazard events. We collect natural hazard event case histories and analyze the damage trend using data-based and simulation-based studies. Topics of research interests include ground investigation, development of ground motion model, earthquake early warning, fragility analysis of infrastructure, machine learning, and liquefaction.

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Research field Research contents Research result
Development of seismic fragility curve We develop empirical fragility curve collecting empirical data set including damage status and demands for series-system infrastructure such as railway and embankment. Numerical simulation is performed to fill the gap that the empirical fragility curve doesn’t cover. System fragility is studied considering correlation of capacity and demand for an infrastructure system

Fragility curves with different damage level thresholds


Proxy-based GIS site condition layer development  Layers of site conditions such as VS30, VSsoil, and Zbedrock are developed correlating site condition values to proxy layers such as surface geology, topography, terrain maps. To expand data points, boring log information is also collated and VS-N relationship is developed. Ground motion model and site amplification model are developed using empirical ground motion data with these site condition data.

Seismogenic- Observation record-Seismic station : Setting of relation


한Wide layers of the Korean Peninsula (Elevation, Slope, Water system, Geological features)

Predicting intensity measures on free surface using measured ground motion in MEMS sensor in structures MEMS sensors are located inside of buildings for which motions include building response. The goal of this research is to find deconvolution functions from structures to the free surface to utilize MEMS sensor data for intensity measure estimation.




Diagram of the procedure for estimating the Surface of the earth


Results of the earthquake residual analysis on February 10, 2019.